The 2012-2013 Crew

November 23, 2011

Week 11

Mrs P.'s class would like to thank everyone for participating in this year's wonderful Turkey Trot! The feast was fantastic and the dance was hopping, and we are all looking forward to a much deserved vacation! Happy Thanksgiving to our families and friends at home! See you next week!

November 21, 2011

Week 10

What a wonderful week we've had here in Mrs. P.'s class! Students have been mastering their sight words while learning about Canada and archery. This week students were introduced to Jason Lyon, an archer from Winnipeg Manitoba who will be competing in London's 2012 Olympics. Mrs. P.'s class also had the opportunity to see the real equipment archer's use to practice their sport, as our classroom has it's own archer, Mrs. P. herself!

In music class, students had a chance to hear the Canadian national anthem and watch a video of a traditional Quebecois dance that is danced sitting down in a chair! In our next meeting, we will learn a dance of our own to get a feel for how our Canadian neighbors like to move! Students also learned a social greeting song, which we sang to our fellow classmates using a microphone.

This week Mrs. P.'s class began their New York State Alternate Assessments, which will continue up until the Christmas holiday. Students are encouraged to do their best work and try their hardest. Keep up the great work kids!

Thank you for contributing jars of gravy for next week's Thanksgiving feast. We are all looking forward to a holiday meal together, and wish everyone at home a happy Thanksgiving!

November 10, 2011

Week 9

In our second week into November, Mrs. P.'s class has been hard at work as always! Students now have 25 sight words they are working on, and as our list of words grows longer our students' progress becomes all the more pronounced! This week students made flashcards for their newest sight words, so please look for them and practice them at home!

In woodworking this week, students finished constructing wooden oars! Students started these projects last month when Mrs. P.'s class was discussing rowing. Not only are these oars a reflection of the great hard work our students do, but a great way to remember the things we learn about here at school!

Next Tuesday, November 15, will be the school's picture retake day. If you are unsatisfied with your child's picture please prepare them for Tuesday's shoot. The first set of proofs must be returned with the retake request sheet in order for retakes to be taken.

The School of Holy Childhood has also been preparing for it's annual Thanksgiving Feast, to be held on Tuesday, November 22. Those preparing the food have asked that all classrooms contribute to the meal, and each of Mrs. P.'s students has been asked to bring in a jar of turkey gravy by next Wednesday, November 16. Our class will be preparing mini corn muffins the week of the feast. Unfortunately due to the fact that both staff and students participate in the Thanksgiving feast, the school is unable to invite families to join in the day's festivities. We hope everyone has a happy holiday and relaxing vacation at home!

Mrs. P. would also like to report what great work her students have done with their classroom job of recycling. Students collect, count, and dispose of empty Capri Sun containers and Frito Lay chip bags in an effort to earn money for our school. An added bonus of the classroom job is that students work together and get a sneak peek at what it's like to have a job. Great job everyone!

November 8, 2011

Week 8

What an exciting week we have had here in Mrs. P.'s class! We kicked off our week with Holy Childhood's annual Spooktacular, an afternoon of Halloween games, activities, and fun! Our classroom's witches, cheerleaders, clowns and superheroes played candy-corn BINGO with their sight words, danced the Monster Mash, and watched the school's own feature film, "School of Terror." We hope everyone had as much fun at home on Halloween as we did here!

As you all may know, our classroom theme here in Mrs. P.'s class is "The Road to the Olympics," and over the duration of each new month our students learn about a new country and sport. In November we will be learning about Canada and archery. This week students learned five new sight words related to these two topics: Canada, medal, archery, bow, and arrow.

But before we completed our month discussing Germany and rowing, Mrs. P.'s class had the opportunity to visit the Pittsford Crew center where real rowing teams practice and train for competitions! Students got a tour of the entire facility, checking out its skiffs, oars, and awards, and we even had the chance to try out rowing ourselves in the center's indoor pool, where Team Mrs. P. looked like a bunch of pros! Mrs. P.'s class would like to extend a huge thank you to the Pittsford Crew center for such a hospitable and fun learning experience!